

📔 Projects

Flutter Portfolio

A responsive portfolio website made with Flutter and hosted on github pages, made as an experiment or proof of concept that a responsive portfolio could be build with Flutter. The portfolio also supports localization.
Deployed on:Github Pages

🗣 About This Site

This is a statically generated Next.js site with a Notion powered blog that is deployed with Vercel. It leverages some upcoming features in Next.js like SSG support and built-in CSS support.

I will be using this site to archive my personal studies and thoughts, which will be published in the 'Blog.' page. I will also showcase some of the projects that I am up to and share them like a portfolio here. I am interested in video game physics, graphics and AI, as well as other technological advancements. In the blog posts you will find my thought process my insights and my findings on various subjects. I listen to game development podcasts and read game design research papers as well as articles, so I will record my notes on such topics.

Feel free to contact me!